
Seventh Graders through High School Seniors

Sunday Mornings

Wednesday Evenings

Sunday School 9:30 to 10:15
Worship Service 10:30 to 12:00

  • Sunday School for youth is a place where they can learn foundational Biblical truths and applications. 
They can join at anytime!
  • During Worship service, youth are welcomed as part of the service.

7:00 to 8:00
during the school year
See events for any deviation to this schedule.

  • Wednesday Nites for youth  is a time to meet to  discover how to "live." The Live curriculum helps students connect their identity to Christ and center their life choices around Him by teaching them how to live out the same transformations as Bible characters encountering Jesus through Bible-focused videos designed to guide discussions that encourage participation.  Corresponding personal devotions are provided for optional further indepenent study. They can join at anytime!